Are you waiting for the wedding season to put on some mehndi? Then wait no more! I think one can get a henna tattoo done any time she wants. A well-designed mehndi can work at all times. Putting mehndi on has become simpler since there are so many salons and even stalls that can apply mehndi on your hands. You do not have to do any work except for cleaning your hand once it is dry.
Once applied, the henna tattoo may last for a while. Yet it is an impermanent body modification that you can easily opt for. There are common designs that you can use when putting on some mehndi. No matter how simple the design is, the color of the mehndi is sure to beautify your hand.
So, go ahead! Get some henna tattoo without waiting for the wedding season. But before getting the henna tattoo done, check out a number of designs that can work for your hands on a daily basis.
So, go ahead! Get some henna tattoo without waiting for the wedding season. But before getting the henna tattoo done, check out a number of designs that can work for your hands on a daily basis.
Top 10 Punjabi Mehndi Designs:There are a number of typical designs that are based simply on the kind of design or on the area that the design should be on. Here are a few combinations of punjabi mehndi designs collection that one should try out:
1. Paisley:
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The paisley is a very common design that is used in various shapes and sizes. You can put a series of small paisleys together to cover a large area. You can also use a large paisley and fill up the inside with other designs. Paisleys can be used on the fingers, the palm and even the rest of the arm. This versatile design can be used to make other designs as well. So, irrespective of which kind of pallet you go for, your mehndi design is sure to include paisley.
2. Curved Lines:
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Since mehndi is malleable material, it can easily be used to make curved lines of various shapes and sizes. The curves can be used to make squiggles or elaborate designs. The curved lines can be used to cover large parts of your hand. But the lines are generally used to create larger and more elaborate designs.
3. Dots:
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The most basic design, which I had created the first time I applied mehndi by myself, was made mostly of dots. Even if you are not using a mehndi cone, you can easily make dots. The dots can also be used to make larger designs.
4. Checkers:
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There is something very aesthetic about checkers that draw my attention. By using the mehndi you can easily create checkered designs. You can also use this design to shade and detail a larger design.
[Read:Mehndi Artists In Delhi]
5. Flowers:
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Flowers are the sign of fertility and beauty. The design of flowers can also help you make your mehndi look beautiful. You can include a large number of flower designs of different shapes and sizes in your mehndi.
6. Leaves:
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Leaves may look similar to paisleys. But they can be very different. One can use the designs of leaves to construct an elaborate design.
7. Peacock:
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The peacock is a very common design used for the Punjabi wedding mehndi. The bride generally has flamboyant peacock mehndi tattooedon. The design involves a large number of basic designs, like the paisley, flowers, leaves, spots, checkers and curved lines. You can put a peacock on your palm or can make it more flamboyant.
8. Loops and Spirals:
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Circular shapes can offer a new dimension to your mehndi design. You can use circles to create loops. You can even use spirals to create more designs.
[Read:Mehndi Artists In Bangalore]
9. Colors:
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Punjabi mehndi is known for using a large number of colors. What can make mehndi look more alluring than colors?
10. Bling:
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If you are planning to go big on your wedding mehndi, you can find ways of adding glimmer to your Punjabi bridal mehndi designs. Though the glitters will go away after a few washes, they are certainly worth it on your big day!
Hope you liked the post. Do leave your comments below.
trung tâm dạy kế toán đựng được nhiều năng lượng. Loài người đồng giai thì thấp hơn. Ma thú
cũng theo đạo lý này!
Diệp Cô Thành ngẫm nghĩ một lát rồi nói:
- Chẳng trách mỗi lần thiếu gia cấp thuốc cho ta đều ít hơn so với Phì
Tử một chút, nguyên lai thiếu gia cũng đã biết đạo lý này?
Đoạn Vân cười nói:
- Kỳ thật trước kia ta cũng không quen với thứ lý luận này lắm đâu. Việc
phát thuốc trước kia đều cân nhắc về năng lực thừa nhận của thân thể các
ngươi! Tình huống bình thường, nếu đồng giai thì Cự long cường đại hơn
Ma thú, Ma thú cường đại hơn Thú Nhân, Thú Nhân cường đại hơn loài
người! Nhưng đây cũng không phải là đạo lý vĩnh viễn không thay đổi. Nói
như thế, lực công kích, là do tốc độ cộng với sức mạnh! Nói về giai vị,
chỉ là nói về sức mạnh. Nếu loài người có thể đưa tốc độ tới một cảnh
giới mới, thì có thể bù vào sự thiếu hụt về sức mạnh của mình. Do đó,
giai vị về sức mạnh cũng không có nghĩa là tất cả!
- Lão Đại, tốc độ của ngươi rất nhanh mà, sau này lỡ xuất hiện tình
huống gì là ngươi nghe chừng chạy trốn nhanh nhất đấy! - Tiểu Phi Hiệp
nhăn nhở cười nói.
Đoạn Vân trợn trắng mắt dã tỏ vẻ tức giận, rồi tiếp tục quay sang Tiểu
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